I haven't updated for a while due to the hot weather sapping my energy and ability to concentrate. It's been too hot and sunny to do anything in the garden (or do anything much at all really), so most of my weekends lately have been spent underneath the ceiling fan in the lounge watching TV and/or reading.
We're in the middle of some lovely rainy weather at the moment though, and with it some nice cool breezes. I dumped out just under 50mls collected in my little plastic rain gauge yesterday afternoon, thinking that was it, but there have obviously been showers overnight and they are predicting more wet weather for the next week or so.
I went out with my camera on Saturday during one of the brief intervals between showers.
Graptoveria of some kind |
Cinnamon Basil |
Mushrooms are popping up everywhere at the moment This one is in with my Callistemon 'Little John' |
Cat's Whiskers, Agave attenuata and pots with various things under the tree |
Broms and orchids under the Buckinghamia Cellsissima (Ivory Curl Tree) I love the speckled look that the trunk of the tree gets when it's wet |
My experimental (and homemade) bird bath made with a terracotta pot saucer nested inside a plastic saucer and hanging basket chain. I haven't seen any birds using it yet |
The Cat's Whiskers flower spikes aren't built for this weather - they look very pathetic indeed |
Back view of the 'new' garden bed Cordylines (Pink Diamond and Red Wings) with Agave attenuata |
Salvia 'Tavistock' Very successful at self-seeding - it's popping up everywhere at the moment |
The front of the 'new' garden bed |
Parsley flower heads full of ripening seed, laden down with raindrops |
Cordyline (Pink Diamond), strappy lemongrass and various things in containers |
Hopefully the cooler weather will stick around for a little bit longer (though I don't like my chances).